Porn Site Review

Fisting Central
Site Information
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Overall rating: 92/100


$34.95 / 30 days, $69.95 / 90 days, $149.00 / 180 days


Pictures: 12'000+ (264 scenes); High resolution: No; Zip archives: No

Videos: 204+ (length: ~25 min); HD: Yes; Full length: Yes; Streaming: Yes

Full Review:
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Shot #1 | Shot #2 | Shot #3

Fisting Central is definitely not a pseudo gay BDSM porn site for snotnoses that start bawling the very moment they see real brutal action. Fisting Central is real gay anal fisting hell gone online! Here you will see real studs ramming their huge hammerhead-like fists into each other's assholes deeper than you thought was possible. All that on crystal-clear HD gay fisting videos guaranteed to blow you away. Sounds tempting enough, ain't it?

Well, it surely does sound tempting enough and the way it all looks is even better. Much better, I must say. Fisting Central turns out to be packed full of top-notch gay fisting videos. All in all, there are 204 of them and all of them are total must-sees. I also feel I just have to mention their quality here: They all sport the bitrate of up to 2000Kbps coming together with pretty high frame size showings, which means you will be able to see the action exposed on them down to the tiniest detail. You still want to see it closer? Well, then just hit the Photo Sets area where 264 gay anal fisting and fetish pic scenes are already waiting for you. Man, the pics available inside them are large and clear enough to satisfy your hunger for hot close-ups perfectly well.

The updates at Fisting Central will always keep you busy no matter what - even when you are done enjoying the whole of this site's large gay BDSM archive, there will be 2 new episodes presented to you every week. You want even more? Well, you will get more. The gay fisting hell of this site will also provide you with the free access to several streamline gay porn video feeds (gay BDSM videos available there too) - more than 20 of them, to be precise. How does that sound? Yeah, tempting enough, for sure.

So, here comes my little message to all the gay ass fisting enthusiasts out there: if you are looking for real hot anal destruction content and if you want to see what truly insane fist-fucking is all about, there is no better way to find what you are looking for than Fisting Central. Period.

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